Saturday, February 12, 2011


The United nations can declare the year 2011 as the "YEAR OF DEMOCRACY" or as the "YEAR OF ARAB UPRISING". Last month(January 2011), the world has witnessed "JASMINE REVOLUTION " in Tunisia which has resulted in the fall of its president BEN ALI ending 23 years of his reign. Later this month(February 2011), the controversial president of Egypt HOSNI MUBARAK was made to resign after 30 years long presidency. The reasons for the civil resistance in both the countries are more or less similar:- lack of freedom of speech and expression, poor living conditions , ineffective socio-economic development, corruption, police brutalities and the need for democratic reforms of political system. Political scholars also estimate that this trend would continue in the rest of the Arab world in general and Algeria, Yeman and Jordan in particular. These incidents are just the tip of the iceberg with far greater implications.
1. ARAB RENAISSANCE:- Generally the Arab governments are known by the twin aspects of "dictatorial style of functioning" and "religious fanaticism". These two aspects have no place in real democracy, as the latter relies on "popular accountability" and "secularism". Hope the succeeding governments in Tunisia and Egypt provide a real democratic solution to the impoverished masses.

2. THE RISE OF MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD:- "Muslim brotherhood" is the largest and the influential islamic organisation operating in the Arab countries . They mostly function as opposition parties or align themselves with the opposition parties in most of the Arab countries. It has played a decisive role in the ousting of President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt. It is widely percieved that its intention is to topple the Arab governments that adopt pro-US posture. Its immediate targets are percieved to be Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

3. UNCLE SAM'S DOUBLE STANDARD DEFINITION OF DEMOCRACY CANNOT CONTINUE FOR LONG:- USA on the grounds of "GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR" has invaded Iraq and Afghanistan with the so called purpose of installing democratic regimes in these countries. How ever, in other countries, it has actively supported various dictatorial regimes. Especially when Arab world is taken into consideration, USA is not at all concerned with the form of government, unless and until it is ensured with uninterrupted oil supplies.

4. ISRAEL HAS NO ALLY IN THE ARAB WORLD:- The Hosni Mubarak regime of Egypt is an ally of USA in the Israel-palestinian peace process. With the conclusion of camp David Accord, Egypt has been recieving Billion dollars military aid from USA. This was evident from the neutral reaction of Egypt during the Gaza blockade. USA has strategically used Egypt in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

5. IRANIAN ROOSTERS OR TURKEY CHICKENS:- Whether the new governments of Tunisia and Egypt will adopt the form of "softcore secular state of Turkey" or "hardcore Islamic state of Iran" is a big question for the west.

Thus the political surge of the Arab countries is no longer an isolated event. It is deeply entangled in the global balance of power, peace and security of the middle east, Islamic terrorism, democracy and so on. It is of no use if these newly emerged regimes, do not cater the genuine aspirations of the Arab masses.

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